In our basement is my little piece of's where my "Sewing Emporium" is. I work hard on my chores so I can spend some part of the day down there. Here's a picture of my thread...I love color.
The thread helps me make SOME of these. My work is the blackbird on top, the chicken on the green ball with the strawberry on the left, the elephant on the left, the teddy on the green pincushion, the felted chick on the brown pincushion, and the felted panda on the right. People ask me if I have made all of them and I say...."I like to buy as well as make."
From The Quilting Quarters!
Our high hopes for over the porch rail photos turned into high winds and
higher wind chill.
We opted for group photos in the Quilting Quarters instead.
2 hours ago
Your thread looks so pretty displayed like that! I live for color. You have such a pretty blog. Very inspiring!