I love the work of Julie Arkell. She has a book out,
titled "Julie Arkell" that you can find on Amazon. There aren't any directions on how she makes her work just a lot of wonderful pictures. So I Googled images, then her name and found a blog HEN'S TEETH and on Nov 17, 2008 she took a class from Julie and describes the process there. I started out with newspaper that I scrunched up and then wrapped with masking tape to get the shape I wanted. I added wooden dowels for more support at the neck and legs. Then I added water to wall paper paste and ripped newspapers and started the paper mache' process. Remember doing this in Junior High?
After it dried, only one day, I added white paper because I didn't want the newprint to show through the last layer. When I was teaching at a private school the kids used to leave pages of their Bible around, so I started gathering them up, knowing some day I would use them in my art. Now those lost pages of Scripture will be the last layer of my dolls.